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About ME



I love photography. I love to take pictures, I love to make pictures, and I love to look at pictures. I will sit down and look through family albums of people I don’t even know, that’s how much I love photography. It has to be because I grew up with a darkroom in the basement and a father who was a photographer. I was in the darkroom before I was in school. I could snap the shutter before I could read I’m sure. And I always wanted to put my hands in the chemicals, no tongs or gloves for me. Its in my skin, my blood and especially my heart.


I have had so many other careers, but photography kept haunting me, luring me back and so here I am. I can’t help it. I AM IN LOVE. I think growing up around photography is why I love it so much. My father, James Gayle, worked for the Cleveland Plain Dealer and loved what he did. He went to work early and stayed late and never once complained about what he did.


I’m sure he had bad days, but what I remember most was he loved photographing. When I was working in pharmaceutical sales and marketing, I never had that sense of love for what I did. I didn’t feel proud after making a big sale or that I had contributed to something or made someone feel good about themselves. So I quit and went back to school for arts management, thinking I would be a rep for artists and photographers. That would get me close enough to photography without taking the risk of being one and failing. It was fun for a while until the newness wore off and I began to feel this certain and familiar nagging; I had to be a photographer.


I did any kind of freelance I could. I even took pictures for free while I kept my day job to support my habit. In 1999, I was selected for the Hearst Journalism Fellowship program and spent two years traveling across the country working at four different Hearst Newspapers. I got a full-time job with the San Francisco Chronicle and stayed until I decided to move back to New York in 2003 to pursue my freelance career and start my company.


I want to take your pictures. I want to take them at your house, at your company, for your ad campaign, for your fashion spreads, on your wedding day, when your kids are born, on your vacation, when you are sad, when you are happy, for your leisure, and for the most important moments in your life. I want to be there, and I hope you will let me in. Together we can create a moment in time for you, whatever it may be. I look forward to working with you. Please contact me so we can discuss your needs.


© 2014 Perfect Portrait Partiesâ„¢ is owned by gina gayle MEDIA, LLC.  All images by Gina Gayle except cover photo by Katy Raddatz. Proudly created with

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